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How to change your business logo?


In information technology, a logo is a graphical mark used to identify a company, organization, product or brand. Logo can be displayed along the side or in place of a company’s name to generate awareness of company’s association with a particular product or service. This particular graphic may be used for styling the version of the company. You can change the Logo location wherever you want and this option is completely depending on your choice. In STEP-1 you can see there is an indicated box shown below that is known as a Business Logo.

Please follow STEP-1

Now in this part we will like to explain you that from where you can get your file location of logo and how you can edit it. Here in STEP-2 & STEP-3 you can see the location path of logo and if you want to edit your logo part then you have to edit with Notepad or Dreamweaver. In this part there are some codes in between of starting and ending point. Please take a look at this below image; here you can see there is a logo code. At this point you can edit your logo code to do any changes as per your company’s point of view. You can access this process if you have any changes mentioned in above discussions.

Please follow STEP-2 & STEP-3

How to change a logo?

A logo is a graphical mark used to identify a company, organization, product or brand. Logo can be displayed along the side or in place of a company’s name to generate awareness of company’s association with a particular product or service. This particular graphic may be used for styling the version of the company.

In this illustration we will explain you that how you can change your Logo. All you need to do is directly login to the admin panel and then upload you logo or image from global settings. Please follow STEP-4, STEP-5 & STEP-6

As a whole, we tried to describe you that how to change your business logo. Hopefully this illustration might be helpful for you. Thank you.